Yoga Instructor
Tereza Ma
Yoga Instructor
My yoga journey began over 15 years ago with belly dancing, then Tai Chi before discovering yoga. After studying Tai Chi for a few years, I felt “great” – less stressed, better concentration, and emotional balanced. Everything was fine until the Tai Chi instructor left and the classes ended. I found myself exploring other exercises to find inner peace. Fortunately, a yoga class started up near my work. I quickly became committed. After practicing yoga for a period of time, I started to fully understand my physical and mental transformation. I became more calm, flexible, and felt FABULOUS. I discovered the more I practiced; the less I worried. My negative thoughts were replaced with a renewed focus on the breathing. After each class I had a sensational feeling of positive energy – accepting the natural beauty around us and liberating myself of matters beyond my control. Since reaching those fulfilling moments, I want to pass my “knowledge” and lead others on similar journeys.
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